You can put water inside by collecting cacti using the Morellatops or from having it drink from water sources. The Morellatops has the ability which allows it to store about 750 units of water. This can be very valuable, especially given the fact that you’re in the desert. Once you have one tamed, you now have your very own mobile water tank. Not only that, it will take almost one hundred vegetables and narcotics on top of that, which can be a waste of some valuable early game resources. Using vegetables is not ideal because it will take about an hour from start to finish to completely tame it. If you do not have the kibble, you will have to use vegetables. This tame will take about twelve minutes with the kibble. Once it is knocked out, you can feed it kibble that comes from a Vulture Eggs for the most efficient tame. To knock out a level thirty one, you will need to hit it with a slingshot 36 times, tranquilizer arrow ten times, or a tranquilizer dart four times. Once you have it trapped, it should be a relatively easy creature to knock out. If you can isolate one, you can then choose to either create a box around it to trap it in, or just back it up towards a wall or corner so that it cannot escape. This way you will not have to deal with the pack and end up fighting three or even four of them. When you have decided that you wish to tame one of these guys, the easiest way to knock it out is to try and isolate one on its own. If you are the admin of a server, you can spawn a Morellatops by entering the following into the console: admincheat summon Camelsaurus_Character_BP_C You can breed the Morellatops by incubating its egg in a room that is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. The Morellatops has the ability to damage both thatch and wood structures, so I do not advise building your base anywhere near them when you are getting started out. It is immobilized by a chain bola trap, or a large bear trap. This means that only the Quetzal, Wyvern, and the Tosoteuthis can carry it. It produces small sized feces and has a carrying weight of about 300. Killing one will yield a small bit of experience plus the chance to drop hide and raw meat. You can ride one with a level fifteen Morellatops Saddle. The Morellatops is tamed by knocking it out and prefers kibble that comes from a Vulture Egg. The Morellatops can most commonly be found in the high desert region of the scorched earth map. If they are traveling in a pack, they will all continue to attack and fight until they are all dead. It can definitely hold its own as they usually travel in packs. The Morellatops is a very passive creature that will turn defensive if another dinosaur becomes too close.